Applegate Farms Organic Chicken & Apple Sausage

I've been so impressed with the Organics line from Applegate Farms. So far, I've reviewed their turkey burgers and a variety of pre-cooked sausages. You never quite know what to expect from frozen or pre-cooked meat, but each Applegate Organics product has exceeded my expectations.

This weekend I used Applegate Organics Chicken & Apple Sausage for a BBQ sauce taste test that I conducted with several friends. I grilled the sausages for a couple of minutes on each side until the exterior was browned and the sausages were heated through.

The sausage was a hit with the guests of the taste test. The flavors were sweet and mild enough for everyone to enjoy. Unlike pork sausages, these chicken sausages were lite and nearly greaseless. The sweet bits of apple complimented the seasoned chicken well.

Applegate Organics Chicken & Apple Sausages now rank among my favorite meat products. They're easily the most delicious pre-cooked sausages that I've ever tasted. Judging by the lack of leftovers in comparison with the other meats available, everyone else at the party approved as well.

Applegate products can be purchased in grocery store chains like Whole Foods, Food Lion and Kroger all across the country. Click the title of this review to find a retailer near you and learn more about the Applegate Organics product line. See the "Product Reviews" page of this blog for the Chicken & Apple Sausage star rating.

3 Response to "Applegate Farms Organic Chicken & Apple Sausage"

  1. "the most delicious pre-cooked sausages that I've ever tasted" thanks! - The Applegate Crew

    cd says:

    I really enjoyed these at the blind taste test. I would have to agree that thesausage was probablly the best I have had.

    anonymous says:

    The taste test participants loved the sausage. Everyone was able to appreciate the gentle and sweet flavors. - metal painting services near me

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