Everglades All Purpose Seasoning

Everglades Seasoning's All Purpose seasoning is an aromatic blend that is suitable for a variety of uses. The original blend is quite salty. While containing many other ingredients, I've found this seasoning's best use is as a salt alternative. Just use it in any situation that you would normally use salt and pepper.

Because of the salt content, I shy away from using too much of it on meat. I prefer Everglades Seasoning's All Purpose Seasoning on vegetables. It's particularly good on potatoes. Add a dash to homemade french fries or a baked potato.

If you find the salt content to be too high, Everglades Seasoning also offers an All Purpose Seasoning blend with 1/3 less sodium (MSG free as well). As someone who doesn't typically salt my food, I found this seasoning to be a very nice addition to steamed and grilled vegetables. It's a useful blend that combines many of the most used spices in pantry into one bottle. 

If you're looking for a convienent product that will save you from buying individual bottles of various seasonings, Everglades Seasoning's All Purpose Seasoning is a good option. You can find Everglades Seasoning in grocery stores throughout the South East and beyond. You can also order online using their website.

1 Response to "Everglades All Purpose Seasoning"

  1. anonymous says:

    Several of the most often used spices in the cupboard are combined in one bottle to create this practical blend. - fencing timber christchurch

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